phone screens

Plant Doctor: AR App

Design Challenge

The design challenge for this project was to create an app that utilizes Alternate Reality overlays in app. Plant Doctor was designed for people who are new to plants and might not be able to identify what’s wrong with them in their new environment. There are other features that would appeal to long time plant parents, such as a history log of ailments and prescriptions and care information for each plant type. The name Plant Doctor was chosen to be friendly and straightforward.

plant doctor


Plant Doctor is an app that would be used to diagnose house/garden plants by use of AR technology. The app is clean in style and uses a blue-green color palette to connote the medical nature. Users will scan a plant, learn scientific and common names of the plant, what hardiness zone they thrive in, and what’s wrong with the plant. If it has wilting leaves, it’ll have suggestions based on previously input user data to diagnose and prescribe a solution.

person holding phone


I used Illustrator to create graphics for the app, Photoshop to edit images, and XD to create the final prototype. The app consists of 24 screens, including an interactive AR component.

plants screen
rx plants
plant screen
rx screen